Russia Makes Biblical Threat as Zelensky Bans Christianity in Ukraine
It will be interesting to see how the Ukraine bootlickers in the US Congress try to spin this story. The Ukrainian parliament passed a new bill over the weekend under the orders of the country’s gay psychopathic dictator, Vladimir Zelensky. Gay Hitler of the Donbas immediately signed it into law. This new law effectively bans the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) entirely in Ukraine. The faith that has been Russia and Ukraine’s national religion for more than 1,000 years is now illegal in Ukraine.
Zelensky already cracked down hard on the church back when the war started. He was bulldozing churches and arresting priests. Just like you’d expect in a “democracy!”
Under the new law that Zelensky just signed, all activities of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and every affiliated religious organization is effectively outlawed. The new law to destroy the nation’s ancient religious faith is set to go into effect in 30 days.
Proving that he is an ignorant, demon-worshiping pagan, Zelensky has ordered the UOC to completely separate from the ROC. That’s an impossible demand since the UOC is a subset of the Russian Orthodox Church.
This would be like if Joe Biden ordered all the Catholic churches in Ohio to completely separate from the papacy. It might sound good to some people on paper. Some Catholics might even like the idea since the current Pope is a dirty communist. But that’s not how this stuff works. Secular government dorks like Zelensky don’t get to boss the church around and tell it how to organize itself.
When Zelensky signed the Christianity ban on Saturday, he declared that he was “liberating” the church from “Moscow’s devils.” By outlawing it. Or something. Nothing that this lunatic says ever borders on “sane” any longer.
The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church immediately condemned the Christianity ban. The Synod compared Zelensky’s dictatorship to the same Soviet Union style of repression of Christianity, as well as other historical times of persecution of the church.
“The purpose of this law is to liquidate [the UOC] and all its communities and to forcibly transfer them to other religious organizations,” wrote the Synod. “Hundreds of monasteries, thousands of communities, and millions of Orthodox believers in Ukraine will find themselves outlawed and will lose their property and place of prayer.”
That’s absolutely true. It’s impossible for the UOC to separate from the ROC since it is subservient to the ROC and it is the same religion. When Zelensky comes back in a few months and the UOC has not separated from the ROC, he’ll send his military goons to seize the church and arrest the rest of the priests as “traitors” to his dictatorship.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev was even more on point. He said that Zelensky has no religious identity and that his crackdown on Christianity is “full-fledged Satanism.” How else would you describe banning Christianity?
Medvedev added that because of Zelensky’s ban, Ukraine “will be destroyed, like Sodom and Gomorrah.” The former Russian president also noted that Ukraine’s Biblical punishment would be “earthly, cruel, painful and will happen soon.”
It’s hard to believe that the US government is still supporting this Zelensky fool with our tax dollars. It’s as if our own rights mean nothing to the US government and therefore there’s no pretense of expecting our allies to adhere to those rights. Vladimir Zelensky (yes, we’re refusing to call him Volodymyr, because we no longer care if we annoy him) has no authority over the church. He can’t repress a 1,000-year-old religion in his country and then pretend that he’s upholding Western values.
Zelensky is a dictator and a tyrant, and hopefully, former President Medvedev’s Biblical threat will come to pass sooner rather than later.